October 3rd: Protest at the courthouse, again, for real!
Mercredi dernier (le 26 septembre), Jacob Wawatie, du «Algonquin Traditional Council of Elders of the One Nation», s'est présenté devant la cour, accompagné par des sympathisants et par d'autres membres de sa communauté. Le territoire traditionnel de ces Algonquins, «Poigan», une magnifique section de la réserve faunique La Vérendrye, subit actuellement des coupes à blanc auxquelles ses habitants légitimes n'ont jamais consenti mais qui, pourtant, mettent en péril le mode de vie traditionnel pratiqué par ceux-ci en plus d'être une menace à la biodiversité.
L'enjeu devant la cour: la compagnie Produits forestiers Résolu cherche à obtenir l'extension d'une injonction qu'elle a obtenue initialement au début du mois de Juillet, contre les Algonquins de Poigan, pour empêcher ceux-ci de s'opposer directement aux coupes. Deux aînés ont alors été arrêtés - et gardés en prison pendant 8 jours - pour avoir tenté de protéger leur territoire.
Mercredi dernier, l'injonction allait peut-être enfin être levée, et on allait peut-être obtenir un arrêt des coupes, fût-ce-t-il temporaire... Le juge a finalement annoncé qu'il n'était pas en mesure de prendre cette cause en charge lui-même et a donc décrété le report de l'audience et une extension de l'injonction pour une semaine.
C'est donc cette semaine que ça se passe!
L'audience est prévue pour ce mercredi à 9:30 am. SOS Poigan (un groupe d'appui aux Algonquins traditionnels) vous invite à vous rassembler devant le Palais de justice en grand nombre, colorés, et avec un message clair, à la fois pour les gens à l'intérieur du palais de justice et pour le grand public. Nous y resterons tout le temps que durera l'audience. On peut être certain que PF Résolu ne veut pas trop d'attention du public et des médias sur ce dossier... notre mission consistera à susciter cette prise de conscience.
Amenez pancartes, votre voix, instruments de musique, nourriture... ce devrait être une belle journée!
Quand: Mercredi le 3 octobre, dès 8:30 am
Où: Au Palais de justice de Montréal (1 Notre-Dame Est)
Pour en savoir plus, visitez:
Last wednesday (september 26th), Jacob Wawatie, of the Algonquin
Traditional Council of Elders of the One Nation, went to court against
Resolute Forest Products. He was accompanied by supporters and fellow
members of his community. The traditional territory of these Algonquins,
"Poigan", a gorgeous area in La Vérendrye wildlife reserve, is being
assaulted by clear-cut logging operations to which the rightful
inhabitants of the land never agreed. And yet that logging is a direct
threat to their traditional way of living, in addition to being harmful
to biodiversity.
At stake before the court: Resolute Forest Product seeks the extension of an injunction that it initially obtained in early July against the Algonquins of Poigan, to prevent them from opposing the cuts directly. Two elders where then arrested - and kept in jail for 8 days - for trying to protect their territory.
Last wednesday, the injunction was maybe going to finally expire, and it was hoped that the court would order an halt to the cuts, at least temporarily... However, the judge finally announced that he was not in a position to take this cause himself. So he postponed the hearing and until then, granted Resolute a one week extension of the injunction.
Which means that it's happening next wednesday!
The hearing is scheduled at 9:30 am. SOS Poigan (a support group for the traditional Algonquins) invites you to gather before the Palais de justice in great number, colorful and with a clear message both for the people inside of the courthouse and the general public. We will stay there until the hearing is complete. One thing we can be sure is that Resolute doesn't want the public and media to look at their activities in parc La Vérendrye... our mission will be to spark that interest.
Bring signs, your voice, music instruments, food... it should be a nice day!
When: Wednesday, October 3rd, as soon as 8:30 am
Where: Palais de justice de Montréal (1 Notre-Dame Est)
For more information, visit:
At stake before the court: Resolute Forest Product seeks the extension of an injunction that it initially obtained in early July against the Algonquins of Poigan, to prevent them from opposing the cuts directly. Two elders where then arrested - and kept in jail for 8 days - for trying to protect their territory.
Last wednesday, the injunction was maybe going to finally expire, and it was hoped that the court would order an halt to the cuts, at least temporarily... However, the judge finally announced that he was not in a position to take this cause himself. So he postponed the hearing and until then, granted Resolute a one week extension of the injunction.
Which means that it's happening next wednesday!
The hearing is scheduled at 9:30 am. SOS Poigan (a support group for the traditional Algonquins) invites you to gather before the Palais de justice in great number, colorful and with a clear message both for the people inside of the courthouse and the general public. We will stay there until the hearing is complete. One thing we can be sure is that Resolute doesn't want the public and media to look at their activities in parc La Vérendrye... our mission will be to spark that interest.
Bring signs, your voice, music instruments, food... it should be a nice day!
When: Wednesday, October 3rd, as soon as 8:30 am
Where: Palais de justice de Montréal (1 Notre-Dame Est)
For more information, visit: