Poigan, 02-09-2012 - Photo: Jo l'escargot Noir |
Jacob Wawatie et sa communauté ont tenté, sans succès jusqu'ici,
de s'opposer à ces coupes devant la Cour supérieure. D'ici à ce qu'un gain sur ce front arrive, il ne restera pas grand arbre debout... Mais nous pouvons et allons agir autrement. Nous devons unir nos voix et envoyer un message clair au gouvernement du Québec (en particulier, le Ministère des Ressources naturelles, qui est responsable de l'octroi des contrats de coupe) pour mettre fin à la dévastation de Poigan. Il faut aussi questionner les pratiques soi-disant "responsables" des compagnies forestieres, loin d'être garanties par la certification FSC. Notre objectif ultime est l’interdiction complète
des coupes forestières dans le parc de La Vérendrye et la mise en
place de sa cogestion avec les Algonquins qui l’habitent. Ce combat
s'inscrit d'ailleurs dans une grande mobilisation pour la sauvegarde
des réserves fauniques du Québec.
vous avez à coeur la préservation de nos forêts naturelles, pour
le bien des générations futures et la survie des modes de vie
autochtones, joignez-vous au mouvement initié sous l'inspiration des
Algonquins de Poigan. Avec votre aide, nous pouvons y arriver.
temps presse et nous sommes une petite équipe. Si vous souhaitez
vous impliquer activement, contactez-nous!
Découvrez ici comment vous pouvez aider.
Ou explorez le site pour en savoir plus
Poigan, in La Vérendrye Wildlife Reserve, is a wondrous forest land that hosts a thriving biodiversity. For long, it's been spared by the logging industry. Right now however, it is being destroyed by logging companies such as Resolute Forest Products. For Algonquin families who still live off the land as their ancestors did for time immemorial, this is a real humanitarian disaster. It's just as if someone came into your village and burned down the grocery store, the hospital, the school, the hardware store...
Elder Jacob Wawatie and his community tried to oppose these cuts before the court, to no avail. By the time a solution is reached through this channel, there won't be much trees left standing. But we can and will act in other ways. We must unite and send a clear message to government of Québec (specifically, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife, which is responsible for granting logging contracts) to put and end to the devastation of Poigan. We must also question the commitment of logging companies to "sustainability", as advertised by the FSC certification. Our ultimate objective is the complete ban of logging in La Vérendrye Wildlife Reserve and the establishment of its co-management with the Algonquins. This struggle is part of a larger mobilization for the preservation of Willife Reserves in Québec.
If you have at heart the preservation of our natural forests, for the well-being of future generations and the survival of native ways of life, join the movement inspired by the Algonquins of Poigan. With your help, we can do it.
Time is running out and we are a small team. If you want to get involved actively, contact us!
Find out here how you can help.
Or explore the site to learn more
Découvrez ici comment vous pouvez aider.
Ou explorez le site pour en savoir plus
At the foot of Mount Royal, 24-08-2012 Photo: Patrick Sicotte |
Elder Jacob Wawatie and his community tried to oppose these cuts before the court, to no avail. By the time a solution is reached through this channel, there won't be much trees left standing. But we can and will act in other ways. We must unite and send a clear message to government of Québec (specifically, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife, which is responsible for granting logging contracts) to put and end to the devastation of Poigan. We must also question the commitment of logging companies to "sustainability", as advertised by the FSC certification. Our ultimate objective is the complete ban of logging in La Vérendrye Wildlife Reserve and the establishment of its co-management with the Algonquins. This struggle is part of a larger mobilization for the preservation of Willife Reserves in Québec.
If you have at heart the preservation of our natural forests, for the well-being of future generations and the survival of native ways of life, join the movement inspired by the Algonquins of Poigan. With your help, we can do it.
Time is running out and we are a small team. If you want to get involved actively, contact us!
Find out here how you can help.
Or explore the site to learn more